Hi. My name is Rajesh Kumar, I like to be healthy and live a healthy life and of course, I’m so happy you’re here.

Rajesh Kochikkat
Rajesh Kochikkat – Admin and Author


On my blog, I like to share some daily fitness tips, effective workouts, and a healthy lifestyle. I seek an opportunity to serve you and your colleagues.


You’re on a journey to health and wellness. And we’re right there with you.

Amass Fitness was designed to make sure you never worry about your health, nutrition, or fitness. You have questions, and we work with the world’s top experts to provide different, clear, and helpful answers.

It doesn’t matter if your goal is gaining muscle, losing weight, living longer, or eating healthier, We cut through the confusion with straightforward, person-first experiences, expert-reviewed — all designed to help you make the best decisions for yourself and the people you love.

No matter what you might believe, good health is simply a matter of having access to the right information that fits into your preferences and then be provided with a roadmap of what to do so it’s easy to take action.

How you feel affects every single day of your life, which is why you work so hard to get well and stay well. No matter your journey, we’re here to support, guide and inspire you.

Your struggles are our motivation to solve your problems. No question is too big or too small. That’s the Amassfitness.

Thanks for being here,

The Amass fitness Team.